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How to Get the Most out of Trybe


The core of the Trybe platform are our articles. We have some fantastic writers and video creators on Trybe - and you can find their work in the "News Feed".

You can earn tokens by writing articles, but you can also earn tokens by reading and rating other people's articles!

By reading articles and commenting, you can also get to know people. If there's someone who interests you, visit their profile and friend or follow them.

By following them - their posts will appear in your social feed.

By friending them - you will be able to message them via our messaging system.

When you start creating content yourself, the more friends you have the more tokens you will earn!

Thanks again for being part of the Trybe community!

Warm regards,

Tom and the Trybe Team.

How to buy and use TRYBE and EOS cryptocurrencies:

If you haven't bought cryptocurrency before, then we highly recommend both and where you can buy all the major cryptocurrencies easily via credit card (including EOS). Both are useful for different things, so it's better to have an account on both.

In order to use the TRYBE token - you will need an EOS account. You can get one easily using the EOS Lynx app.


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