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Bmining Standardized Hashrate Token of Bitcoin&Ethereum Listing

[Bithumb Global Debut] Bmining Standardized Hashrate Token of Bitcoin&Ethereum Listing

Bmining has officially launched its decentralized and standardized Hashrate protocol.
bBTC50 and bETH30 are two Hashrate tokens of the first batch that went live on Bmining. Each bBTC50 corresponds to a BTC Hashrate of 1TH/s and each bETH30 corresponds to a ETH Hashrate of 5MH/s. 

Users will earn staking rewards in real-time by staking their Hashrate tokens on after purchase. bBTC50 and bETH30 have already been listed on Bithumb Global and Uniswap to realize sufficient liquidity. Bmining has also launched liquidity mining programs for the two tokens and users are able to earn liquidity rewards and extra gains in its native governance token.
Now, users are able to buy bBTC50 and bETH30 from Bithumb Global, and gain BTC, ETH, and BMT, the native governance token, through its liquidity mining program.

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