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Plisio new minimum invoice amount for ETH and USDT

new minimum invoice amount for ETH and USDT

Important: new minimum invoice amount for ETH and USDT


Due to the Ethereum increase in value, the gas price has also increased threefold. Such conditions affect the ETH and USDT transactions inevitably.

As a result of significant rise in the gas price, the fee amount for such transactions has increased accordingly. At the moment, it is not possible for a client to avoid financial losses  when performing these transactions. In this regard, we are forced to change the minimum invoice amount for ETH and USDT transactions.

From now on, the minimum invoice amount in ETH and USDT cryptocurrencies is $150.

Plisio doesn’t profit on transaction fees. We change the terms for the client's’ convenience only.  This is a necessary and, most likely, temporary measure.

Best regards,
Collaboration Manager


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