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When moon or when Mars? Buterin, Musk & BTC

MARS by 1000%

Tesla has led the way for many corporates to consider holding Bitcoin (BTC) instead of cash assets.
Although the sample size is small, the receptiveness of public institutions towards cryptocurrencies is clearly rising.
After all, who wouldn’t look at BTC when it has just surpassed the 50k mark?
In today’s news, Vitalik comments on crypto’s future, the Beeple is back with new artwork to auction off, and our favourite memelord sends another coin to Mars.

Vitalik's Thoughts on US-China Relations

China and the US have both been duking out over the last few years to become the globally dominant economy.
Vitalik Buterin believes that such tensions will become a catalyst for crypto to grow.
While nations compete with each other, decentralization becomes more appealing for those who doubt centralized authorities’ ability to protect their independence.

Crypto’s Top Memelord is Back

Humanity has achieved its greatest accomplishment overnight!
We have finally left orbit, thanks to Elon Musk for his carefully laid-out plans for Mars.
Except for this time, it was a tweet that skyrocketed MARS by 1000%.

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